Every human will encounter adverse experiences.

Stress is compounding.

It causes lasting mental and

physical health decline.

Sad Face Emoji Icon

However, so is joy!

And, joy has significant lasting mental and

physical health benefits.

Laughing Face Emoji Icon

Currently, the world is filled with people who are unaware that their behavior is controlled by repressed memories from adverse life experiences.

The memories replay in the subconscious and have been blocked from consciousness as evolutionary neuroprotective defense mechanisms, but the residual reflexes still control their actions.

Creating a loop of stressful thinking that, unless “strategically reprogrammed”, compounds and controls their mood, actions, and health outcomes into a consistently reactive state.

Once reprogrammed, previously reactive moods and behaviors stabilize into sustained prolonged & positively calming states.

However, in developed countries, we no longer need to live in primitive evolutionary protective ways.

We need to reformat our understanding of the brain and body to live in accordance with the world as it exists today.

let’s change the current approach together








let’s normalize happiness + health;

book an appointment.

It all begins with a decision to contribute to making your world a better place.

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